The Lizard's Trance (2008)

Release information

My first foray into remakes of episode 2 maps, and I'm not entirely sure whether I regret that or not. It wasn't something I'd really thought about doing until a community map contest popped up, and I picked E2M5 because I liked the layout and facade entrance; there wasn't a huge amount of thought given. I missed the contest deadline but ironically ended up releasing it before the contest pack came out, which brought it a bit of attention.

It's not particularly imaginitive, but was okay for the time I guess. The Q3A gothic textures had already been used a lot in Q1 but they were so easy to work with and managed to look good even with minimum detail. I thought it noteworthy it was the only pre-2010 map to be included in this wonderful advert for modern Quake design.

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